My name is Ezra [resumé] or 傅尔正 (Erzheng Fu) in Chinese. Codeplay0314 is my alias.

I am currently a master student majoring Information Networking at Carnegie Mellon University’s Information Networking Institute. I graduated at Fudan University with Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science and Technology in June 2022, and with Excellent Graduate of Fudan University Award, 2022.

I am enthusiastic about algorithms and data structures. I have 8 years of programming contest experience from 2014 to 2021, which includes the Olympiad in Informatics (OI, for high school students) and the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC, for undergraduates). For more, see: 算法竞赛 | Programming Contest.

I was a research student at the Mobile Systems and Networking (MSN) Group of the Science of Networks in Communities (SONIC) Laboratory at Fudan University, supervised by Dr. Yang Chen. My research interests include social networks and recommender systems. Here is my publication:

I also have two intern experiences in the industry, one at ByteDance supporting the advertising system of its platforms, and the other at bilibili supporting the app’s recommender system.

I am also a huge fan of music, piano and guitar player, and vinyl collector. Coldplay and Taylor Swift are my favorite artists. Follow me on Spotify.
