I have 8 years of programming contest experience from 2014 to 2021, which includes the Olympiad in Informatics (OI, for high school students) and the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC, for undergraduates). These are the significant accolades that I won during this journey:

  • Silver Medal in the 2020 ICPC Asia-East Continent Final Contest, Feb. 2021
  • Gold Medal in the 2020 ICPC Asia Regional (Shanghai), Dec. 2020
  • First Prize of the Fudan University Programming Competition (the 5th place), Nov. 2018
  • First Prize of the National Olympiad in Informatics in Hunan Provinces (NOIP 2016), Dec. 2016

I would like to share some of my notes (mainly in mandarin) for algorithms and data structures, as well as some of the solutions to valuable problems here.

Algorithms and data structures

Self-made questions

Solutions to problems on BZOJ

Solutions to Codeforces contest

Solutions to training tests

Solutions to problems on USACO
